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Importing & Exporting





How do I Import and Export scan groups, scan jobs or workflows?


In Scan2x, one can import or export a scan group, scan job, a workflow, and all of these combined at the same time.
The below steps can be applied to all of the above examples.


For more information, please look at the Importing & Exporting Tab in the Scan2x Handbook.


How to import a scan job:

1.Click on Jobs Manager on the bottom left of the screen.

2.Once clicked, go to the the top right of the screen and click the button Import.

3.Scan2x will then ask you to pick an existing Scan2x job (shown with the file extension .S2X) on your device.

4.Once picked, Scan2x will give you the option of where you would like this imported job to be shown. For example, on the home screen (root) or in another group.

5.Once chosen, click Import Selected and your job will be shown accordingly.


How to export a scan job:

1.Click on Jobs Manager on the bottom left of the screen.

2.Once clicked, go to the the top right of the screen and click the button Export.

3.Scan2x will then ask you to pick an existing Scan2x job.

4.Once picked, Scan2x will give you the option of where you would like this exported job to be saved on your device.

5.Once chosen, click Export Selected and your job will be saved accordingly on your device.






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