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How to improve performance with a Job Automation scan job





How to improve performance with a Job Automation scan job


We suggest you use Full Page OCR for the job matching, which makes the job matching exponentially faster, instead of splitting with the OCR'd metadata field option.


When we use an OCR'd metadata field as a splitting condition for the job matching, the OCR is generated for every sub job until the document is matched or until the last sub job. If your Job Automation group has 20 sub jobs, thus 20 templates (of the sub jobs), the worst case scenario is that Scan2x would need to OCR each 'OCR'd metadata field splitting condition' set 20 times due to the 20 sub job templates. Therefore, Scan2x would OCR all the 20 templates 20 times (due to each OCR'd splitting condition), which takes a very long time.


When Scan2x detects a splitting condition on Full Page OCR (and not a specific metadata field), the OCR is done once. Thus, continuing with the example of the 20 templates mentioned above, the worst case scenario is that Scan2x  would need to OCR each template once.




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