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User Settings Button





User Settings Button

The 'User Settings' button is accessed by clicking on this button shown on the main page of Scan2x as highlighted in the red box in the screenshot below.


Once the User Settings button is clicked on, Scan2x will open up a new window as seen in the screenshot below.

From here, one can:

Change their PIN.

Register a card to log in to the system with.

Add an alternative username.

Change their E-mail Address.

Set a default Language.

The 'My Linked Accounts' section shows one's accounts, if they have multiple, and gives them the option to decide whether to delete it or not.

This section also shows the username, account type, context, access token expiry, refresh token expiry and last login date.

It is also for users to be able to add user-specific credentials to be used when connecting to services like Therefore™, Sharepoint™, Namirial (Digital Signing), Circularo (Digital Signing), Scrive (Digital Signing), Interfy,and iManage™.






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