User Settings
At the top of the screen near the user's email address is the user's profile dropdown.
Once User Settings is selected from the dropdown, the system will show the following screenshot.
Using the controls on this tab, the user has the option to localise the Scan2x Online interface into their own language and create a new pin.
They are also able to create an alias for themselves. This is useful when the Scan2x Online authentication method is to require users to log in separately - that is, not using a Single Sign On mechanism such as Microsoft Active Directory or uniFlow. By creating a short and convenient alias, users will not have to type in a long email address on the device screen but can use their shorter alias instead.
The user has the option to unlink their account from multifunctional devices if required, can customise the timezone in which they are working, and also click the 'Reload Server Settings' button to refresh the server in cases, such as, where jobs have been updated.
Under the Circularo Digital Signing section, if the user has an account with Circularo, they can insert their credentials. This would be used in instances where a scan job would require the user's digital signature.
Under the Namirial section, if the user has an account with Namirial, they can insert their API token. This would be used in instances where a scan job would require the user's digital signature.
Under the iManage™ section, if the user has an account with iManage™, they can insert their credentials. This would be used in instances where a scan job would be saving to iManage™. Please note: The credentials input will not be retained. They will be used to retrieve a token and then discarded since they will not be required.
The options under Scanning Settings allows the administrator to choose the preferred mode of scanning for the tenant. Whether this is 'Upload and Send'; which allows users to scan a document with a MFD, like a scanner, and the processed scan will show in the user's scan queue on their device (computer), 'Upload and Edit'; which allows users to upload a document from their device (computer) and view a scan preview and document metadata on the screen of the device, or both, or 'Skip Upload Modal,' which allows users to scan the document and have it processed directly without opening the scanning tab; or a combination of these options.
Users are also able to customise the default settings for Notifications as set up by the Administrator. Any settings made here are only applicable to the logged in user.