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User Management CWC





User Management CWC


From the CWC Home page, administrators can view the users and groups from the side panel on the left-hand side of the screen.




Once the Users button is clicked the following page will appear.
From here, administrators can view, edit (such as resetting their PIN), delete, add or imports new users, and also see what groups current users are in.

There is a Filter option at the top of the screen to make it easier for administrators to find users instead of searching through multiple pages.
For more information, please see the Creating and/or Inviting Users tab.




Once the Groups button is clicked, the following page will appear.

Administrators can view the users of a particular group, search for a group by using the filter option, create a group, edit (changing the name or description) and delete.



In order to create a group, the administrator must click the Create Group button, and the following page will appear.
The administrator then needs to add a group name, group description, and activate the group ('True'). They also have the options of make the group undeletable.
Then click Create Group and the new group will be added.







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