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Creating and/or Inviting Users & Importing Users on Scan2x Online





Creating and/or Inviting Users & Importing Users on Scan2x Online


To create users on your Scan2x Online tenant, click the Users button.


Once the Users button is clicked, the below screen appears. The administrator can then choose to either the Add User option or Import User option.



Add User option

Click the Add User button.



Once the Add User button is clicked, the Create User option will be selected by default.

The administrator can fill in the new user's information (first and last name, email address, password) and also add them to a Group/s (see Groups section below for more information).

Once the information is filled in and the New User button is clicked, the new user will receive an email with their credentials to Scan2x Online.



If the Invite User option is selected, the administrator would need to fill in the new user's credentials (first and last name, email address) and add them to a Group/s (see Groups section below for more information).

Once the information is filled in and the New User button is clicked, the new user will receive an email with their credentials to Scan2x Online.



Import User


Click the Import User button.


Once the Import User option is clicked, the below screen appears. The administrator has the option to download the User Creation Template or the User Invite Template and then mentions specific information on what the administrator will need to do to import users successfully.

Once the User Creation or User Invite template has been filled in, the administrator must then upload the template from the Choose Files option and click Import CSV.





In order to create groups for users to be allocated to, click on the Groups button.


Click the Create Group button.




Once clicked, the administrator will be able to name the group and give it a description, and can activate the group.

Once the information has been filled in, select the Create Group button.

The administrator will then be able to assign users to the newly created group either when creating/inviting/importing or by clicking the Edit button near the user in the Users screen.







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