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Scan2x Client Dashboard





Scan2x Client Dashboard


The Scan2x Client Dashboard allows the administrator to configure technical settings for Scan2x to work accordingly.


Client Settings

Scan2x Client Web Path - refers to the path where the Scan2xWebClient is hosted.

ScanWeb Server URL - refers to the URL the Scan2x Server is using.

Temporary Logs, Temporary Scanned Files, Images Folder Directory, & Instruction Images Directory - These options cannot be changed.

Document Upload Repository - refers to the path where Temp Files will be stored in the Scan2x Server folder.

Show Scanning Install Tools Feature checkbox - allows the administrator to choose whether the Install Scan Tools button will show or not.


Configuration Settings

RFID Threshold Value - this allows the administrator to increase the delay of the RFID card reading value.

Web Request Timeout Value - this allows the administrator to increase the timeout value of Web Requests communication (value in milliseconds).

Default USB Scanner Index - this allows the administrator to choose the scanner to be selected by default in the USB scanning page. The index is 0 based (first scanner is 0).


Queue Settings

Number of days - refers to the number of days after which a document should be discarded if it has been in users' queues for the number of days mentioned.

By Last Modified Or Scan Date - refers to the date of the document that will be discarded; either the Last Modified date or the Scan Date of the document.

Discard Documents button - discards documents in all queues based on the above options.



Login Settings

Login Username + Use Auto Login checkbox - this refers to the username that will be used to login automatically (if Auto Login is checked) for the specific PC being used.

AD Login URL + Use AD Login checkbox - this refers to the URL by which Scan2x Web will try to log the user in via their Windows Active Directory credentials. It is normally in the following format: http://scan2xwebclienthostname/ADLogin. The AD Login checkbox must be enabled for AD Login to be enabled.


Logging Settings

Log Path Directory - allows the administrator to set the Log folder path.

Log Sub Folder Name - allows the administrator to set the Log Sub Folder Name.

Log FileName - allows the administrator to create the Log FIleName.

Logging Verbosity - refers to the levels of logging information that is being collected.

oOn Error

oOn Warning

oOn Debug

oOn Information


Save Settings & Restore Settings

If any changes have been made, it is important for the administrator to click the Save Settings button before closing the dashboard.

If any changes have been made and the administrator would like to revert back to the default settings, then the administrator would need to click the Restore Settings button.






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