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Scan2x Server Dashboard





Scan2x Server Dashboard


The Scan2x Server Dashboard allows the administrator to configure technical settings for Scan2x to work accordingly.


Port Used

This displays the port the Scan2x Server is utilising.


Server Path Settings

oScan2x Executable Path - this path shows the folder path location of where the Scan2x dlls reside. This normally translates to the “bin” folder within the Physical Hosted Location (see below).

oPhysical Hosted Location - this path shows the folder path location of where the Scan2x Server is hosted.

oScan2x Path - this path shows which Scan2x environment (working folder) the Scan2x Web Access Server license is using. This should correspond to the profile number that is connected to via the Scan2x Windows client.


General Settings

oSQL LocalDB - Check to use SQL Server or SQL Express instance, uncheck to use SQL Local Database (MDF) file.

oScan2x Cloud Configuration

oScan2x Debug Mode - allows the administrator to enable Scan2x Debug Mode in order to extract more information logs when debugging an issue on Scan2x Web Access Server. The Scan2x Debug mode refers the logging verbosity for the internal Scan2x API. For full logging verbosity of the Scan2x Web Access Server system, refer to the Logging section further below.

oTest Mode

oUser Notifications - allows the function of user queue-based notifications.

oUse External Procs - allows the use of external processors for more performance and scalability when processing and saving documents. This requires extra manual configuration. Kindly contact us for more information (


Temp Files Folder, Log Files Folder, & Processor API Connector - these folders and URL cannot be changed.



Auto Background Service Settings

oWorkload Folder - allows the workload folder (monitoring a folder) option to be enabled for Scan2x Web Access Server.

oEmail Monitor - allows the email monitoring (monitoring a mailbox) option to be enabled for Scan2x Web Access Server.


Please Note: for the Workload Folder and the Email Monitor options, IIS needs to be restarted manually! Make sure no one is scanning before restarting IIS.




Regional Settings

oServer Region ID – The Server Region ID is used to differentiate between different Scan2x Server instances, connected to the same centralised Scan2x DB, but installed in different regions. It allows for the generation of different settings, when saved from different regions.

oClient URL Connection – Optionally specify the URL where the web client can be reached. The Scan2x server does not normally need to connect to the Scan2x client. However, the Client URL connection will be used in cases where the Scan2x server needs to provide a link to the web client, for e.g. within an email notification.


Discard Settings

oAuto Discard - when this checkbox is enabled, documents left in the queue for the value stated in the Discard Days option below will be discarded automatically.

oDiscard Days - the value stated here should be above 0 and will show how many days documents left in the scan queue will auto discard by.


Document Repositories

oMFP Destination Folder – Specify the directory for WebDAV. Any documents added into this directory via WebDAV will be processed accordingly. (This is a feature of MEAP Web, which is deprecated. MEAP Web is now replaced by the Scan2x MEAP App).

oDocument Upload Repository – This is the full directory to the TempFiles folder, and is used with the External Proc configuration.





Logging Settings

oLog Path Directory - allows the administrator to create the Log folder path.

oLog Sub Folder Name - allows the administrator to create the Log Sub Folder Name.

oLog FileName - allows the administrator to create the Log FIleName.

oLogging Verbosity - refers to the logging information that is being collected.

ØOn Error

ØOn Warning

ØOn Debug

ØOn Information


Process Settings

oParallel Processing Value - refers to how many documents should process at the same time.

oSaving Parallel Value - refers to how many documents should save at the same time.

oStart Checking for Inactivity Timeout after (mins) - refers to the amount of time (in minutes) after which Scan2x will start checking if a document being processed is inactive. This ensures that a document does not get stuck in processing infinitely, in case of any issues being encountered.

oInactivity Timeout per Page (secs) - refers to the amount of time (in seconds), per scanned document page, after which the process will be aborted and deemed as timed out. This timeout is worked out as: “Inactivity Timeout Per Page” x “No of pages” and is only activated after the “Start Checking for Inactivity Timeout after (mins)” parameter passes. This, along with the “Start Checking for Inactivity Timeout after (mins)” settings, ensures that a document does not get stuck in processing infinitely in case of any issues being encountered.


Save Settings & Restore Settings

If any changes have been made, it is important for the administrator to click the Save Settings button before closing the dashboard.

If any changes have been made and the administrator would like to revert back to the default settings, then the administrator would need to click the Restore Settings button.




For more information about the other tabs, please see the following:









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