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Creating Users on Scan2x Web Access Server





Creating Users on Scan2x Web Access Server


To create users on Scan2x Web Access, click the User Management button.


Once the User Management button is clicked, the below screen appears. Then click the Create User button.



Once the Create User button is clicked, the administrator can fill in:

The new user's information (username, email address, RFID)

Can assign if they will be an administrator user and if so what type of administrator:

oFull administrator - can view tenant settings from the Settings tab, manage users from the User Management tab, and can see any user's queue from the Pending Queue tab.

oUser administrator - can manage users from the User Management tab.

oJob administrator - can view tenant settings from the Settings tab.

oQueue administrator - can see any user's queue from the Pending Queue tab.

Can assign another user as the new user's manager (the manager will be able to see the new user's queue).

Once the above information is filled in, the administrator can click the Create User button and an email will be sent to the new user with the necessary credentials needed to login to Scan2x Web Access.




Users can be added into groups from the Scan2x Windows application.

For more information see the User List Button tab that can be found in the Scan2x Administrator's Guide.





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