Scan2x Support - How to report an issue, query or request new features
Administrators and users can create a ticket in our customer support ticketing system called Task Manager by logging in to the following site -
If you do not have credentials to access the site, you can request credentials and also tickets can be created by sending an email to the following email address:
Once logged in, the user will have the following view:
For more information, please see the following tabs:
1.Creating Tickets
2.View Tasks
3.Your Profile
The Ribbon
Returns the user to the home screen when clicked.
Allows the user to filter through tasks based on what type of task it is and/or by how many days the task has been open.
Create New Task
Allows the user to create a new ticket.
Allows the user to search for a specific ticket based on the task number.
Profile & Logout
Allows the user to view their profile or logout.