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Scanning a document





Scanning a Document


If the user would like to run a scan job, the following screens may appear (depending on which job they run).

For example, if uploading documents to the Invoices job, the system will prompt the user with their file explorer tab in order for them to select the documents to be scanned.



Once the documents to be scanned have been chosen, the user has the option to;

Upload more documents by either clicking Browse Files or by Drag & Drop.

Upload and Send - When clicked, the document will be uploaded and the document will begin processing in the queue - the user will be redirected back to the Home Page.

Upload and Edit - When clicked, the document will be uploaded and the Scan Preview will open showing the document processing to the user.

Cancel or Close the preview.


If the user would like to scan documents to the job with a scanner, they would need to click Install Scan Tools. Once clicked, the Scan Tools will begin to download and once the Scan Tools have been installed, the user will need to refresh the page and on the left-hand side of the screen in the Select Source section, all of the available scanner drivers found on the device will show.





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