Navigation: Scan2x Administrator's Guide > Admin Settings > System Tab >

Users List





Users List


1. Users List Tab


The Users List allows administrators to view Scan2x users, add new ones, delete existing ones, set Admin rights, and assign Managers to users.


A user may become inactive if the user inputs too many invalid PIN entries. Users will then need to ask a Full Administrator or a User Administrator to mark their user as Active once again. New PINs can also be created for the user.


Scan2x users can be of two types:

Internal Scan2x users

Internal Scan2x users are added from this screen by Administrators, together with their status: Admins or not Admins. There is no limit to the amount of Scan2x users that can be added.

Internal users can also be added to into groups from the Local Groups tab.


Scan2x users that originated from Active Directory (only in the case where Active Directory (AD) integration has been enabled – see the Active Directory Tab under the Administrator's Guide for more information).

Active Directory users are added automatically by Scan2x, and administrators can set whether each user should have Admin rights to Scan2x network.

In this tab and when connected to a Windows or Azure Active Directory, an Admin can specify which AD Groups users are allowed to log into the system.


It is also possible for users to authenticate using a USB RFID reader, as shown below.

To use this method of authentication, plug an RFID reader into a USB port of the PC on which Scan2x software is running and scan the user’s card instead of typing his username.

If the card serial number is registered in Scan2x user database, login will be automatic, and the user will not be prompted for a PIN.


2. Local Groups Tab

In the Local Groups tab, an administrator is able to create local groups and assign users to those groups. This can be used as a security measure so only particular groups can see and use particular scan jobs.

The administrator can also set up which groups are Admins and which groups are allowed to login to Scan2x.

Please note: if only one group (for e.g., Demos) has Login ticked, the other groups will not be able to login.


3. AD Groups Tab

The AD Groups tab displays the groups that have been set up in the Active Directory Scan2x has been connected to.

The administrator can also set up which groups are Admins and which groups are allowed to login to Scan2x.

Please note: if only one group (for e.g., Demos) has Login ticked, the other groups will not be able to login.


4. Access Tokens Tab

The Access Tokens tab displays the tokens of accounts, such as Sharepoint or OneDrive, of all the users who use Scan2x on the same device.




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