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Scan2x Workload Server (on-premise)





Scan2x Workload Server (on-premise)


This is a setup guide that will guide you on how to setup the server, Scan2x Job through Scan2x Windows and assign the folder where the files will be captured. 

N.B – All files that are being processed will be visible under the “ADMIN” user account.

Server-side Changes
Step 1: Make sure that the Workload Folder checkbox is checked. Once this is done at the bottom of page click on “Save Settings”.




Scan2x Windows Job Setup


Open Scan2x Windows and edit or create the Job required to process the files.

.Click or Select “Source Settings”

.Click on the checkbox “Allow Import from existing PDF / image”

.“Limit import from below Path” – Should be inside the folder or network drive from where the files will be captured.

.If you want to delete the file once it has been captured, check the box for the setting “Delete source PDF / Image files when processing completes”

.If you want to move the files - Fill in the path for  - “Move source PDF/ Image files to the below Path when processing completes”

.To start to automatic file picking, Select the last checkbox at the bottom of window which starts with “Run this job automatically when PDF/ Image…. “


File System Setup

Important information to follow.

Make sure that the server application is set with the account which has privileges to access the folder or network drive where the files are located. Below is an example of a local folder being assigned to the machine administrator account which has access to file and has full control to the folder.


Step 1 – The account to capture the files must be assigned to the application pool of the “ScanWebServer” Site.



Step 2 – The Local folder or network drive must be added to the security of the folder as have “Full Control”






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