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The scan preview screen





The Scan Preview Screen



Once a document is scanned or uploaded, the following screen will appear. This shows the scan jobs that are in Pending Queue.

The scan preview below shows up in green as the document has finished processing.

One can see the relevant information by clicking 'Preview Metadata' in the box near the document preview.

The user has the option to View / Edit, Save, Save & Scan, or Discard the document.



When the View / Edit button is clicked, the following screen will appear.

In the centre of the screen, this shows a preview of the document.


At the top left of the screen, there are the advanced tools where the user can rotate the document, move a page in the document, delete a page of the document, make the document full screen and can Select OCR.

To the left of the screen, the user can see the amount of pages the document has. In the case below, it is a one-page document.

There are also two arrows at the top of the left hand-side of the screen in order to move between pages of the document.


To the right of the screen, the user is shown the metadata that the system has derived from the document. If the metadata is incorrect, the user has the option to edit it.

At the top right of the screen, the user has the option to Save, Discard, Reset Metadata, Back (to the Pending Queue screen above), and Split from the Selected Page.

There are also two arrows at the bottom of the right hand-side of the screen in order to move between pages of the document.





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