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SQL Express & SSMS Installation





SQL Express & SSMS Installation


ØDuring the Scan2x installation, when the button is clicked (highlighted in red in the image below), your PC will automatically start to download SQL Express.



ØDouble click on the SQL Express exe file and the following screen will appear.

ØClick Basic.



ØReview the licence agreement and press Accept to continue.



ØClick Install.




ØOnce SQL Express is installed, you can also click Install SSMS.



ØYou will be redirected to the Microsoft site where you can download SSMS by hitting the link shown in the image below.




ØDouble click on the SSMS exe file and the following screen will appear.

ØClick Install.




ØA restart will be required in order to complete the setup. Click Restart.



ØNote: Please make sure the below options are set accordingly in SSMS if you are going to authenticate in Scan2x via SQL - If you will be using Windows Authentication, please continue following the Scan2x installation steps.

First, if needed, change the password of the login user 'sa' to one that you know, by:
- Going into SSMS

- Logging in with the default windows authentication

- Opening the security file
- Opening the logins file

- Right-click on the user 'sa'

- Click 'Properties'
- In the General tab, one can change the password

- Make sure that in the Status tab for the same user, that the login option is enabled

- Click OK


Note: In order to fix the SQL login issue, one must then:
- Go into SSMS

- Login with the default database with windows authentication

- Once logged in, right-click on the instance (first item in the list)

- Select properties
- Go in to the security tab

- Select 'SQL Server and Windows Authentication Mode'
- Click OK

Once applied, disconnect from the database and try and login with the default user 'sa' with the SQL authentication.

ØContinue following the Scan2x installation steps.





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