Navigation: Installation > Scan2x for Devices > MFP > Manual Setup >

Tenant Configuration





Configuration Page (http://{MEAP-IP}:8000/ConfigScan2X)


Go to the administration page of the MFP Device and log in.

To go to the required page click on either:

the Scan2X Configuration button


Click the Service Management Service button, and near Scan2x click the [-->] button. 



This page is only available for administrators of the device, and the device can be configured to connect to either an on-premise setup or the cloud tenant environment.



Allows the user to connect to an on-premise server (for e.g.,


Allows the user to connect tenant - introducing Tenant ID and Authorization Key.


In both cases, the user needs to select a Mailbox. The application will add a password to the Mailbox.

The Unit ID is an optional field for the administrator to fill in. This is used to distinguish the MFPs connected to the server. If not filled in, the Serial Number of the MFP is automatically used.

For more information about the Enable QR Code option and the Auto Login User option, kindly see their respective tabs.

To configure the MEAP device, fill out the form and click on the [ Save √ ] button. The system will validate the information and will start to download all of the jobs, if validation was correct.

Downloading Process Screen


When the process finishes downloading, the system will reset the Scan2x application on the MEAP Device. After this, you will be able to use the Scan2x application on the device.


To verify the configuration process has successfully been completed, go to the MEAP device and click on the Scan2x application.


If the process is complete, you will be prompted with the Login Screen.
For more information about the Scan2x MEAP App, kindly see the respective tab.





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