Navigation: Installation > Scan2x for Devices > ScanFront 400 >

Automated Setup via Wizard





Automated Scan2x deployment on Canon ScanFront 400


Scan2x can work inside Canon’s ScanFront 400. To do this, an application needs to be installed on the device, and to do this we use the Scan2x Deployment Tool.

The deployment tool uses the web-based administration interface of the device remotely by automating Chrome on the PC on which the tool is run.

Please make sure that the SSL Certificate has been set up first - if not, please see the SSL Certificate Setup Tab.

One can access the Deployment Tool through the following link -


ScanFront 400 Automated Installation


The introduction window will guide you to whether you would like to choose a “Cloud” or “Intranet” Installation. The Cloud Installation will allow you to setup the Scan2x Online Tenant. A tenant key example would be cwc12345678 or s2xo12345678.  The Intranet Installation will allow you to insert the ScanWebClient URL. (example ‘’).



In the device choice window, click on the button “ScanFront 400” to continue with the ScanFront 400 Installation.

Prerequisites notes for the ScanFront 400 to be able to communicate with the deployment tool.

If the device does not have Web Mode Application enabled:

Click on Administration Settings

Leave the password field empty and click on “Ok”

Device Configuration  

ScanFront maintenance  

Device detail Setting

Locate, allow remote operation and set it to “ON”

Click on OK and changes will take effect.




This is the installation form. The Installation form will allow you to do the following.

Insert the ScanFront 400 IP Addresses by clicking on the informational button at Step 1.

oYou can insert 1 or more devices.

oThe devices must be inserted in an IP-Address format. (Example – o The Tenant name or Scan2x Client URL is inserted in Step 2. (This is explained in the first point of this section)

oThe Time zone of the ScanFront 400 can be detected and chosen by firstly clicking on “Detect Time zone” and then select the ideal time zone name from the dropdown next to the same button.

Click on “Apply” to start the installation and setup process for the ScanFront 400.

If you need to copy the logs generated by the application click on “Copy” to clipboard the data and save.

Once the installation is concluded, click on “Finish”.




If you require to modify any of the below options, one has the option of changing the following settings:

ScanFront IP Address

Browser Timeout - the browser timeout may be increased if there is a slow network or slow database connection and you require a larger timeout to avoid potential issues.

NTP Server

NTP Primary

If any changes are made, please click the 'Apply Settings' button before clicking the 'Next - Finish' button.




Once the setup is concluded and the “Finish” button is clicked. The closing remarks are shown. You can choose by clicking on the “Close Application” to close the application or clicking on “Back to Introduction” to go back to Step 1 of this documentation.







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