Licence Tab
The Licence Tab is used to view and manage your Scan2x licences.
Scan2x licences are tied to the PC on which they are installed.
Changes to the PC hardware can sometimes render a Scan2x licence invalid.
Use the “Activate/Change Licence” button when activating a new Scan2x installation or to refresh it – for example, when you have changed the options available on your licence.
Use the “Deactivate Licence” button to remove a particular Scan2x PC from the licence pool you have purchased – for example, to transfer the licence on to a new PC.
In order to change from one licence key to another, one must:
•Click the Activate/Change licence button
•Enter the new licence key or authentication key
•Click Activate
•Then click Apply Changes in the Admin Panel tab
After this process is completed, it is sometimes necessary to either click the Reload button from the Home Page or logout and login to your account in order to refresh the system.
In order to update an existing licence, one must:
•Click the Activate/Change licence button
•Click Activate
•Then click Apply Changes in the Admin Panel tab
After this process is completed, it is sometimes necessary to either click the Reload button from the Home Page or logout and login to your account in order to refresh the system.
Licence Click Usage
As previously described in the Scan2x On-premise Licences and Scan2x Online Licences tabs, when Scan2x AI clicks have been purchased, the Licence Click Usage section will show the amount of pages one has used, and the amount of pages they have left according to the amount of clicks purchased.