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Scan2x (on-premise)





Users & Authentication


Users can be created in Scan2x through Windows Login, via Active Directory™ or by creating them in the Users Tab.

Scan2x can integrate with Windows login and optionally to your domain's Active Directory™ (AD) infrastructure to pull usernames and email addresses from this database, thereby making configuration and maintenance easier. For AD integration to function, it is important that each person registered in Active Directory must have their email address entered.



Authentication via integration with Microsoft Active Directory™ works as follows.


ØFirstly, a user account is created within Active Directory with limited access permissions. This is the account that the Scan2x’s will use to access Active Directory's list of users, their email addresses and AD Group Memberships.


ØWhen you log in to a Scan2x system for the first time, you will be asked for your Active Directory username. Once you enter this, the system will register it in its own offline cache for future use and will ask you for a Scan2x Personal Identification Number, or PIN. If logging in to Scan2x for the first time, you can apply for the issuance of a PIN, and this will be immediately sent to the email account registered as yours within your Active Directory account.


ØFor subsequent logins to Scan2x, you will use this PIN across the entire Scan2x network.  If you lose or forget your PIN, you can simply ask Scan2x to generate a new one and this will be sent to your email address again.



Other forms of Scan2x authentication can take the form of swipe card readers, proximity card readers (RFID) and more, depending upon the requirements of the infrastructure in use.




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