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Scan Job Configuration





Scan Job Definition



The top right of the Jobs screen features several function buttons:


Run Scan Job

The Run Scan Job button is included here for convenience when setting up and testing a new or existing job. The functionality of this button is identical to running the job from outside the Jobs Manager but is more convenient if you are testing multiple times while making small adjustments to the job.


Run in Debug

Run in Debug functionality is identical to the above Run Scan Job button, with one addition: logging. The logging function allows visibility of each action taken by Scan2x when executing a job, together with the time taken for each task. This allows an administrator to identify which parts of a job are taking longest to execute, giving insights into the best way to fine tune for performance.

See the Troubleshooting Tab for more information on debug logs.


Export Job

Exporting a job creates an .S2X file, in which the entire content of the job configuration is included. This .S2X file can then be sent by email and imported into another Scan2x environment if required. One of the most common uses of this functionality is during support calls, in which your support agent is able to recreate your job configuration on their workstation. The support agent is then able to make any adjustments required to your job configuration and re-export the job from their Scan2x PC to be re-sent to you for re-importation.


WARNING:  When exporting a job, the job template image is included in the export, together with any database and webservice connectivity information you may have configured for metadata or final scan output requirements. Be aware of this before sending Job Exports outside your organization.


Clone Job

When creating multiple jobs that use the same metadata settings, the same scan and output settings, etc it is very useful to Clone new jobs from an existing one.

This way, only the template image and the OCR zones need to be changed to fit the new document – all other settings remain the same.

Cloning documents is particularly useful in situations where Scan2x is being used for Accounts Payable applications, to scan multiple different types of invoices.


Activity Logs

Pressing the Activity Logs button will provide a filtered view of the Scan2x activity log, showing only those entries for that job, documenting changes and updates to the job.


Job Backups

The Job Backups function allows for the taking of a backup of the job configuration before any changes are carried out, similar to configuration version control.

Up to 20 different versions of the job configuration are persisted within Scan2x.




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