Navigation: Scan2x Administrator's Guide > Scan Job Configuration > Source Settings Tab >

Microsoft Outlook (Graph)





Microsoft Outlook (Graph)


Please note that Scan2x jobs running with Graph will be able to run on all Scan2x environments.


Azure Active Directory

You need access to the Azure Active directory, accessible via:

You need access to a user with Global administrator or Application administrator rights.

Access the Azure Active directory.

Navigate to App Registrations from the left-hand side options.


Create a new App Registration and call it “Mail Integration”.


You will be redirected to a new page; take note of the Tenant ID and Client ID. You will use these values in Scan2x later.


Navigate to the API permissions.


Click “Add a permission”, choose Microsoft Graph, choose Application Permissions, search for “Mail”, tick Mail.ReadWrite and Mail.Send and finalise by clicking the Add Permissions button.

Make sure to click the “Grant admin consent” button thereafter and grant admin consent.

Navigate to the Certificates & secrets tab.


Under “Client Secrets” click on “New client secret”, specify a description and choose 24 months expiry, then finalise by clicking Add.


Take note of the number under the Value header as you will use it in the next step.



In the Scan2x job, navigate to Source settings. Then navigate to “from Mail” and “Microsoft Outlook (Graph)”.

Copy and paste the Tenant ID, Client ID and Client Secret which have been extracted previously.

The username would be the one that you used to login to the mailbox.
Note: if the administrator decides to change the email address, a verification email will be sent to the newly input email address with a code.

Please insert the code received by email in the Scan2x Verification Code panel (this will appear once a new email has been input).


The rest of the functionality is identical to the pre-existing IMAP functionality.
Folder - Click 'Get Folder List' button, and you should be able to see the folders there are in the mailbox by clicking the dropdown button. Select the folder which Scan2x will monitor.
Attachment FileTypes - This can either be left blank if different file types will be processed, or you can specify which file types the mailbox will process. For example: .pdf, .docx
Move E-Mail to the below folder when processing completes - From the dropdown button, select the folder where Scan2x will move the email once the attachment has been processed.

If you would like this job to automatically run, please see the Automatic section on the IMAP page.




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