Press the Add New button to add a new splitting rule. The new splitting rule definition screen will open.
Select the type of splitting you require using the settings in the Split Scanned Document On section of this tab.
ØSelecting an item in the OCR’d Metadata Field dropdown indicates to Scan2x that the focus of the split condition will be the value of a metadata field populated via OCR. Please note: Metadata fields which are OCRing data from a document and have a Default Type set as a metadata expression (VB.NET, VBScript, etc), the splitting condition will take the result of the expression into consideration when splitting.
ØSelecting an item in the Expression Metadata Field dropdown indicates to Scan2x that the focus of the split condition will be based on the value returned by the metadata field selected.
ØSelecting an item in the Mapped AI Field dropdown indicates to Scan2x that the focus of the split condition will be a value of a metadata field populated via AI.
ØThe Full Page OCR option is recommended for use when searching for a particular reference anywhere on the page.
ØSelecting the QR Code, Barcode,Aztec Code or Data Matrix options will look for a barcode or QR code anywhere on the page and will split if found, irrespective of the content of that code – if you wish to split by a QR or barcode of specific value, create a metadata field to read it, reference that metadata field using the OCR’d Metadata Field option and create a condition using the Splitting Conditions as described below.
ØThe Every n pages option should be used when documents being scanned have a fixed number of pages.
The Splitting Condition section determines the trigger that will split the batch. The Condition Indicates section allows you to specify whether the trigger you set is expected at the beginning or the end of a document.
The Splitting Options section allows you to:
•Select whether or not to remove the page that caused the split from each resultant document – this is especially useful when using a dedicated “splitter” page.
•Discard blank pages after splitting
•Allows Scan2x to only try and find the splitting condition on even pages only or on odd pages only.
If a dedicated “splitter” page is required, for insertion between documents to enable splitting of a batch at scan time, there is a Splitter Generator button that will generate a splitter page when clicked. See screenshots below.