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Document Highlighting





Document Highlighting


Document Highlighting is used to mark specific information (either through metadata or match sets). This can be used for both structured and unstructured documents, when trying to make information on a document noticeably visible to users, such as highlighting the word 'clause' or specific numbers like '1234'.


If the administrator wants to highlight information on the document based on metadata, then the colour would need to be set from the Metadata tab. For more information, see the Metadata tab.

If the administrator wants to highlight information on the document based that are not being OCR'd, then this can be done in the Highlight document text that matches the below entries section.


Always highlight all relevant metadata fields - this will highlight the coloured metadata fields set in the Main Metadata tab.

Burn highlighted regions to output file - this will burn/save the highlighted coloured regions to the output file.

Highlight document text that matches the below entries: - administrators can input any text or number that will be matched and can select a colour for each field. As stated, this option will require every page to be OCR'd and will increase processing time for each document.





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