

Please note Namirial digital signatures are only available to use from the Scan2x Windows application, Scan2x Web & the New Scan2x Online interface.


In the Digital Signing tab, administrators can switch on the 'Enable digital signing option' which will notify users to digitally sign documents once documents are saved.

Settings for this option to work must first be configured from the Admin Panel in the Digital Signing tab and the User Settings (if using a Custom Namirial account).  From there, administrators can either use a Built-In Namirial account or their own Custom Namirial account. The options shown in the Digital Signing tab below and the method to set up the digital signing will differ slightly depending on which option is chosen.



In the Settings section, the options displayed are:

Seal Document - this option does not sign the document, but seals the document so the document cannot be edited.

Autosign using your registered signature - signs the document automatically on behalf of the user's organisation.

Sign Document - signs the document for the users with configured signatures (shown in recipients table).

Change Recipients at Save Time - allows the user scanning to change the email of a configured recipient signature.

Send to all - when the document saves, all users/emails with a configured recipient signature will receive an email to sign the document at the same time.

Send Sequential - when the document saves, all users/emails with a configured recipient signature will receive an email to sign the document in the order the recipient's are in the recipient table.

Template - allows the administrator to choose a Custom template (if using a Custom Namirial account).

Configure Template - when using a Built-in account or using a Custom template with the Custom Namirial account, administrators are able to add recipients and create zones for where the signatures appear on the document.

Recipient - shows the recipients configured signatures of the scan job in a table.


Configuring Recipient Signatures



The administrator will need to click the Configure Template button. Once clicked, the below screen showing the job's document template will appear.

Click the Add New Zone button to add as many signatures as you would require on the document. For each recipient/zone, draw a zone on the document as outlined in red in the image below and write the recipient email in the table below.

If one of the recipient's/zone is the signature of the user scanning, tick the Self checkbox (as shown for the first recipient in the image below).

Once the zones have been drawn accordingly on the document, click Apply and Apply Changes to save the configuration.




oCustom Template

If using a Custom Template, the administrator will need to click the Configure Template button. Once clicked, the below screen will appear.

Click the Add New Zone button to add as many signatures as you would require on the document. For each recipient/zone, draw a zone on the document as outlined in red in the image below and write the recipient email in the table below.

If one of the recipient's/zone is the signature of the user scanning, tick the Self checkbox (as shown for the first recipient in the image below).

Once the zones have been drawn accordingly on the document, click Apply and Apply Changes to save the job configuration.



oPre-configured Template

Administrators have the option of choosing pre-configured templates created on Namirial with recipients and signature zones already pre-configured.

In this instance, the administrator would need to input the recipients' emails in the table shown in the image below.

If the administrator decides to adjust a pre-configured template being used by the scan job from the Namirial site, the administrator would need to click the blue Refresh button near the Template dropdown in order for the recipient's list to refresh too.

Remember to click Apply Changes to save the job configuration.






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