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Metadata field types explained





Scan2x metadata field types explained


Field Type

Description for use

Calculated Field

Allows the system to find and calculate the minimum, maximum, average or sum of specified column/s of a table in a document.

Current Date

Returns the current date at time of scan

Current Month

Returns the current month at time of scan

Current Time

Returns the time of scanning

Current Timestamp

Returns the current timestamp of scanning

Current Timestamp (Auto-Refresh)

Returns the current timestamp of processing. This timestamp auto-refreshes since documents in the scan preview can process at different times.

Current Year

Returns the year at time of scanning


Allows for the population of this field by users’ manual entry or by optical character recognition (OCR).

If user entry is desired for this field, simply set to Custom.

To populate using OCR, click the Manage OCR Settings button.

Custom Boolean

Like the “Custom” setting above, but limits entry to a true/false choice.

Custom Date

Like the “Custom” setting above, but limits entry to valid date inputs.

Custom DateTime

Like the “Custom” setting above, but limits entry to valid date and time inputs.

Custom Double

Like the “Custom” setting above, but limits entry to a numeric value with decimal places.

Custom Integer

Like the “Custom” setting above, but limits entry to an integer value (i.e., a whole number)

Database Query

Sets the field to be populated with the result of a database query.

Selecting this option enables a Database Query Wizard function that assists with the connection of Scan2x to a database engine and the setup of an appropriate query to return the desired results.

Digital Signature Information

Returns the following information:

The date when the digital signature was signed

Signature Reason

Who the signature is certified by (for e.g., Adobe Acrobat Sign)

Email Address

Returns the email address of the user logged in to Scan2x

Expression (C#)

Sets the field to be populated with the results of a C# expression.

Selecting this option enables an Expression Wizard button which helps with the syntax when setting up expressions.

Expression (Regex)

Sets the field to be populated with the results of a Regex expression.

Selecting this option enables a Regex Builder Wizard button which helps with the syntax when setting up expressions.

Expression (VB.NET)

Sets the field to be populated with the results of a VB.NET expression.

Selecting this option enables an Expression Wizard button which helps with the syntax when setting up expressions.

Expression (VBScript)

Sets the field to be populated with the results of a VBScript expression.

Selecting this option enables an Expression Wizard button which helps with the syntax when setting up expressions.


Populates the field with the output document filename (in Jobs in which the output is set to Path or Email).

FileName (With Extension)

Populates the field with the output document filename plus extension (in Jobs in which the output is set to Path or Email).

Global Daily Job Scan Counter

Populates the field with a counter for the Scan2x Job.

The counter resets daily.

(To be used when the scan job will be used from multiple platforms, for e.g., a PC, Web and/or ScanFront400, etc)

Global Daily Scan Counter

Populates the field with a daily counter for all scans on the day, irrespective of Job. The counter resets daily.

(To be used when the scan job will be used from multiple platforms, for e.g., a PC, Web and/or ScanFront400, etc)

Global Daily User Job Scan Counter

Populates the field with a counter for the Scan2x Job per user.

The counter resets daily.

(To be used when the scan job will be used from multiple platforms, for e.g., a PC, Web and/or ScanFront400, etc)

Global Daily User Scan Counter

Populates the field with a daily counter for all scans on the day per user, irrespective of Job.
The counter resets daily.

(To be used when the scan job will be used from multiple platforms, for e.g., a PC, Web and/or ScanFront400, etc)

Global Job Scan Counter

Populates the field with a counter for the Scan2x Job.

The counter DOES NOT reset daily.

(To be used when the scan job will be used from multiple platforms, for e.g., a PC, Web and/or ScanFront400, etc)

Global Scan Counter

Populates the field with a counter for all scans on Scan2x.

The counter DOES NOT reset daily.

(To be used when the scan job will be used from multiple platforms, for e.g., a PC, Web and/or ScanFront400, etc)

Global User Job Scan Counter

Populates the field with a counter for the Scan2x Job per user.

The counter DOES NOT reset daily.

(To be used when the scan job will be used from multiple platforms, for e.g., a PC, Web and/or ScanFront400, etc)

Global User Scan Counter

Populates the field with a counter for all scans on Scan2x per user.

The counter DOES NOT reset daily.

(To be used when the scan job will be used from multiple platforms, for e.g., a PC, Web and/or ScanFront400, etc)

IP Address

Populates the field with the IP Address of the PC running Scan2x.


Populates the field with the resolution of the scan as set by the Job Configuration.

Job Name

Records the name of the Scan2x Job used to perform the scan.

Keywords List

Selecting this option enables a Keyword List Wizard that allows for the setup of a list from which the user will be able to select at scan time.

Local Daily Job Scan Counter

Populates the field with a counter for the Scan2x Job.

The counter resets daily.

(Only available on the Scan2x Windows application.)

Local Daily Scan Counter

Populates the field with a daily counter for all scans on the day, irrespective of Job. The counter resets daily.

(Only available on the Scan2x Windows application.)

Local Daily User Job Scan Counter

Populates the field with a counter for the Scan2x Job per user.

The counter resets daily.

(Only available on the Scan2x Windows application.)

Local Daily User Scan Counter

Populates the field with a daily counter for all scans on the day per user, irrespective of Job.
The counter resets daily.

(Only available on the Scan2x Windows application.)

Local Job Scan Counter

Populates the field with a counter for the Scan2x Job.

The counter DOES NOT reset daily.

(Only available on the Scan2x Windows application.)

Local Scan Counter

Populates the field with a counter for all scans on Scan2x.

The counter DOES NOT reset daily.

(Only available on the Scan2x Windows application.)

Local User Job Scan Counter

Populates the field with a counter for the Scan2x Job per user.

The counter DOES NOT reset daily.

(Only available on the Scan2x Windows application.)

Local User Scan Counter

Populates the field with a counter for all scans on Scan2x per user.

The counter DOES NOT reset daily.

(Only available on the Scan2x Windows application.)

Mapped Field

Selecting this option allows for the population of the field from AI, OMR operations or scans of standard form data like ID Card, Passport or Bank Cheque data.

Natural Language Query (NLQ)

Selecting this option allows for the population of the field using Natural Language Query AI, allowing the administrator to write out prompts for what the field should be populated with.

For more information, please see the NLQ Setup tab.

Number of Pages

Writes the document number of pages into the field.

Original File Path

Writes the path of where the original PDF document was found for processing. Only applies to scans that PDFs or images as original documents.

Original Filename

Writes the filename of the original PDF document used for processing. Only applies to scans that PDFs or images as original documents.

Original Filename (with Extension)

Writes the filename plus extension of the original PDF document used for processing. Only applies to scans that PDFs or images as original documents.

Scan Date

Populates the field with the date and time at the moment of scanning.

Scan Source

Populates the field with the document source (e.g., PDF, scanner)

Split Document Number

Stores the sequential number of the document as it was split.

For example, if you scan 10 pages and it is split into 5 separate documents, this field will show 1 in the first doc, 2 in the second etc through to 5.


Sets up the metadata field to receive data in tabular format – e.g., for invoice line item capture. Only available in the full version of Scan2x.

Unit ID

The name of the individual Scan2x PC that captured the document.

Used with Scan2x installed client on a PC in kiosk mode.

User Email

Populates the metadata field with the user's email, i.e., of the person who was logged in when the scan was executed.


Populates the metadata field with the username of the person who was logged in when the scan was executed.

Webservice Call

Allows the metadata field to be populated with the result of a webservice call.

When this option is clicked a Webservice Call Wizard is activated that facilitates the connection and configuration of the webservice call.


Scan2x places no limits on the number of fields you can create for a document, however it is good practice to keep the number of fields down to the minimum necessary.

This is because it can become very time-consuming to populate all these fields at scanning time (unless their capture is automated in some way, as described later).


A metadata field is created simply by typing a field name into the Field column of the metadata list, as indicated by the arrow in the screenshot below.





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