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Keyword Lists





Keyword Lists for Metadata


It is also possible to set a metadata field as a Keyword List – this is a pre-defined list of values from which the user must choose at scan time.

The list of keywords is set up by clicking on the Keywords Setup button when a metadata field that has been defined as a Keyword List is selected.




In the screenshot below, we see the TotalDue metadata field has been defined as a Keyword List, allowing us to select the Keywords Setup button.


As an example of a Keyword List, consider the screenshot above. A list of four keywords have been defined. In this example, users at scan time will choose between four options as defined in the right-hand column Value to Display, whereas what will be saved to the document metadata is listed in the Value to Save column at left.


It is obviously possible to have both columns contain the same information, so that the value that the user selects at scan time is the value that is saved in the document metadata. The above example is designed to show that it is also possible to have a “human friendly” value to display to your users while writing a more machine-friendly code written to the metadata.


When a scan job with Keyword Lists is run on Scan2x, the metadata field will appear as shown in the image below.


If the Keyword List has quite a few keywords, in the scan preview there is the option to search for the required keyword by typing in the metadata field.


Metadata field types can be set to auto-populate by selecting values from the Default Type dropdown in the metadata field definition list:



Value with which to populate metadata field

Current Date

Current date in the format set in Scan2x locale

Current Time

Current time in the format set in Scan2x locale

Current Month

Name of current month

Current Year

Year in 9999 format


Name of the current user

IP Address

The current IP of the Scan2x


The document filename, without extension

Filename (W/extension)

The document filename, including extension


See the comprehensive Metadata Types descriptions on the Metadata Field Types Explained Tab of this manual.




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