Scan2x FAQs
Scan2x System Prerequisites
Required Ports for Scan2x
Scan2x Requirements before downloading
SQL Express & SSMS
Cannot open database "Scan2x" requested by the login.
SSMS Error - Windows error 233: No process is on the other end of the pipe
Error updating File
Scan2x opening and closing by itself
Scan2x Web Installation
Scan2x not recognizing scanner
ScanFront 400 - Error 12
MEAP - Validate the time of the device
Scan2x Users
Scan2x User-Admin
Adding Users
Full Administrators
Job Source not available
Change/Update Licence
Deactivated Licence
How to add a new environment
How to see your Scan2x licence key
How to upload a Scan2x offline licence file
How to update your Scan2x to Scan2x Beta
Scan2x Job-Admin
Importing & Exporting
Job Automation Groups & Workflows
How to improve performance with a Job Automation scan job
Limit Import File Path
Auto Rotate greyed out
Metadata & Workflows
Common Metadata
Database Query Builder
VB.NET & C# Scripts
Cannot insert explicit value for identity column in table '...' when IDENTITY_INSERT is set to OFF
Document Splitting
Scanning Instructions tab
How to check if your SharePoint client ID/secret is expired
How to refresh an expired SharePoint client secret
How to update the Scan2x Windows application to the latest version
How to check your Scan2x version
Scan2x application 32bit and 64bit
Why are my documents locked in Scan2x?
Error reported in GetInstance ID
Error: Column 'Zone' does not belong to table Table
Invalid Therefore Category Message
Scan2x 32bit & 64bit - Licence issues
Access to the path "..." is denied.
Error occurred during the update process! Check your internet connection.
Why does the Workload server monitoring keep stopping every few days?
Generating a manual update for Scan2x
RabbitMQ Initialisation Error
Why is my scan job not running?
Error occurred during the Scan2x initialisation process - Could not load file or assembly...
How to verify prerequisites on Scan2x
Creating the Scan2x Windows .exe DebugMode Shortcut
How to turn on Debug Mode
Debug Logs
Scan2x MEAP version
ScanFront 400 showing a blank screen
ScanFront 400 - Licence check failure. Error
Error in Scanner: Device could not be locked
No Connection to Scanner
How is my scanner driver showing properly but I cannot scan?
The scanner is not appearing in list on Scan2x Windows
MFP & Scan2x Online
Docuvieware downloading on Scan2x Online
Users logging in to Scan2x MEAP through ULM automatically
Adding users (with different Entra IDs) in Scan2x
Merging & Scan2x Online
Why is my ID Card job changing the ValidTo & ValidFrom dates?
SOAP web services with Scan2x Online (Cloud)
Scan2x Online (Scan2x Web Access Server) - Custom Identity - User permissions
Scan2x Online (Scan2x Web Access Server) - Server Error in '/' Application after updating
Is Scan2x Web compatible with a Domain Controller Server?
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